Nationale- Nederlanden conversive

The health insurance market is highly competitive and heavily regulated, with intense competition and a narrow window to activate prospects to switch providers. This underscores the importance of health insurance campaigns, where maximum results must be achieved within a short timeframe.

The final seven weeks of the year, when switching is possible, are marked by a year-end campaign with a substantial annual budget. A clear strategy is essential during this period to ensure top performance and stay ahead of the competition.

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Working together with a goal- and process-oriented approach.

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Nationale-Nederlanden is a financial services provider offering a range of products and services in insurance, pensions, and banking. With over 6 million individual and business customers, it is one of the largest financial service providers in the Netherlands.


"The health insurance campaign is a period where there is no margin for error. In just 7 weeks, the entire year's objectives must be achieved. During the 2021-2022 period, 1.5 million Dutch citizens switched providers. The challenge was to generate as many health insurance applications as possible through the affiliate channel."


As online marketing specialists, the experts at Conversive have extensive experience managing affiliate campaigns. Close collaboration between the marketer, network, advertiser, and publisher is crucial for the successful execution of affiliate marketing. No affiliate website or advertiser is the same, and each requires a tailored approach.

We faced a major challenge with a new insurance product from Nationale-Nederlanden and significant restrictions in the affiliate program’s conditions.

By proactively collaborating with only high-quality publishers, the affiliate network, and Nationale-Nederlanden, we secured strong positions, structured various affiliate deals, and established an efficient program.

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The forecast accounted for the imposed restrictions related to the competing campaign compensation and the desired types of affiliate publishers. Considering these constraints, a 10% growth was anticipated compared to the previous year’s health insurance campaign (2022-2023 vs. 2021-2022), which was also executed and managed by Conversive’s experts.

The strategy targeted a more specific, and therefore smaller, audience with high success potential. Despite achieving only 10% of the total traffic from the previous year’s campaign, a 265% increase in the number of health insurance applications for Nationale-Nederlanden was realized.

More info?

Curious about the possibilities for your specific goals?

Feel free to contact our online marketing specialists if you have questions about our services or want more information about this case.

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Martijn Zoetebier

MD Conversive & Business Development Director 

+31(0)36 200 21 30

[email protected]