Publisher Discovery & Acquisitie

Publisher Discovery in affiliate management is a powerful service used to identify and attract new and relevant publishers (affiliates).

This is a crucial part of affiliate marketing, as the success of a program heavily depends on partnering with the right affiliates who can generate valuable leads and sales.

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"Maximize the return on your affiliate campaign"

Key Aspects of Publisher Discovery & Acquisition

  1.  Identifying Relevant Affiliates

  2. Competitor Analysis

  3. Optimization of the Affiliate Program

  4. Publisher Relationship Management

Affiliate management, Publisher Discovery & Acquisition

Identifying Relevant Affiliates

During the Publisher Discovery phase, we identify the right affiliates that align with your brand or product category. This is done by analyzing their existing content, target audience, and promotional channels (blogs, social media, or product comparison sites).

Competitor Analysis

Another important aspect of publisher discovery is analyzing competitors’ affiliate networks. By reviewing which publishers are working with your competitors, affiliate managers can uncover opportunities to strengthen their network or tap into niches that have not yet been explored.


Affiliate Program Optimization

Continuously searching for new publishers helps to optimize and expand affiliate programs. It allows you to extend your reach and enter new markets, ultimately leading to more conversions and higher revenue.


Publisher Relationship Management

Publisher discovery is not just about finding new affiliates but also about building strong relationships. This can be achieved by offering attractive incentives, ensuring timely payments, and providing adequate support. Good partner management helps retain valuable affiliates in the long term.


In short, publisher discovery is a critical step in affiliate management that enables companies to strategically expand and optimize their publisher network for better performance and higher returns.

Is Affiliate Marketing Right for You?

Affiliate marketing is ideal for generating sales and leads. Inquire about the possibilities of starting an affiliate marketing program combined with affiliate management.

Long Term

Affiliate management, Publisher Discovery & Acquisition Increase the number of conversions.

Affiliate management, Publisher Discovery & Acquisition Increase brand awareness.

Short Term

Affiliate management, Publisher Discovery & Acquisition Increase website traffic.

Affiliate management, Publisher Discovery & Acquisition  Reach an audience that you wouldn’t otherwise reach.

More info?

Curious about how Conversive can assist you in achieving your specific goals through affiliate marketing management?

Feel free to contact our online marketing specialists if you have any questions or would like more information about our services.

Affiliate management, Publisher Discovery & Acquisition

Esmée Mulder

International Client Lead

+31(0)36 200 21 30

[email protected]