Company conversive

Company X was seeking new insights and advice for their Google Ads account. They preferred to work with an online marketing agency that could act as an advisor while allowing Company X to retain control over management. This led them to Conversive, which was eager to enter into this collaborative arrangement.

Company X’s focus was on making the account more profitable by achieving high revenue with low media spend. Additionally, they wanted to review the targeting settings to ensure they reached the right audience with their ads. Their overall marketing objectives included increasing product and brand awareness, boosting interest within their target audience, and ultimately expanding their active customer base.

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Company X faced the challenge of configuring their Google Ads account to generate high revenue with low investment, based on precise audience targeting.


To increase sales and enhance online visibility, Conversive is responsible for managing and optimizing Google Ads campaigns. The approach focuses on capturing high demand and related searches for Company X’s products.

Additionally, the strategy involves communicating and emphasizing the company’s and product’s propositions to inform and engage the target audience. The aim is also to improve online discoverability and visibility to counteract competition and boost brand awareness.

We began by analyzing the current account, from which findings and recommendations were developed. A key requirement from Company X is to reduce costs to a maximum of 15% relative to conversion value, in order to ensure that the Google Ads account becomes more profitable than the current situation.

Bedrijf x, Company X


Bedrijf x, Company X

Based on a comprehensive analysis of the target audience, keywords, and search terms, Conversive provided recommendations on the most effective campaign structure. Additionally, based on findings from the current setup, we advised on settings, target audience, and keywords. From July 2023 to January 2024, the following results were achieved compared to the same period the previous year:

Bedrijf x, Company X  31% more revenue

Bedrijf x, Company X  2% less cost

Bedrijf x, Company X  44% increase in ROAS

Bedrijf x, Company X  13% increase in session duration (GA4)

The positive changes in the metrics above confirm that the correct target audience is being reached and engaged with the right messaging in the ad texts. This indicates high-quality traffic that meets Company X’s needs.

Due to clear communication, trust, a professional approach, valuable advice, and overall consideration of other channels beyond Conversive’s management, Company X chose to extend the contract indefinitely and entrusted us with ongoing management.

More info?

Curious about the possibilities for your specific goals?

Feel free to contact our online marketing specialists for any questions about our services, or more information about this case.

Bedrijf x, Company X

Esmée Mulder

International Client Lead

+31(0)36 200 21 30

[email protected]